Marshmallows are fairly simple. Sugar is cooked to soft ball stage. Then place in a stand mixer with gelatin. Whip until fluffy and cooled to just warmer than room temperature. Add color and flavor, whip to incorporate. Transfer to an eight by eight pan that is lined with greased plastic wrap. Dust with a mixture of equal parts powdered sugar and corn starch. Press into pan. Let set, turn onto a cutting board and cut into squares. Toss with more powdered sugar and corn starch.
7 oz. by wt. sugar
3 3/4 oz. by wt. corn syrup
4 oz. by vol. water
1 tsp. flavor extract
1 tsp. water
1/4 tsp. citric acid
artificial color
Combine 1 tsp. water, flavor extract, citric acid, and artificial color. Set aside.
Combine sugar, corn syrup, and water in a small pot over medium low heat. Cook, swirling occasionally, to 300 F. Remove from heat, add flavor mixture. Swirl to combine. Pour into prepared molds, allow to solidify before unmolding.
Ribbon Candy
14 oz. by wt. sugar
6 oz. by vol. water
3 oz. by wt. corn syrup
1 tsp. water
1/2 tsp. citric acid
1 tsp. flavor extract
Dissolve citric acid in 1 tsp. water. Add flavor extract. Set aside.
Combine sugar, corn syrup, and water in a small pot over medium low heat. Cook, swirling occasionally, to 300 F. Remove from heat, add citric acid mixture. Swirl to combine.
Pour half of sugar mix onto a silicone mat. Add color to remaining half, swirl to combine. Pour onto a separate location on the mat.
As they cool, roll up. When cool enough, stretch until shiny and opaque. Roll into 12" rolls, stick together, fold and stretch to form stripes. Stretch and twist. Snip into one inch lengths. Let cool on a non-stick surface.
Mix together equal parts cornstarch and powdered sugar. Set aside.
3/10 oz. by wt. powdered gelatin
2 oz. by vol. water
Combine water and gelatin. Let stand at least ten minutes.
6 oz. by wt. sugar
1/2 cup corn syrup
3 oz. by vol. water
1 tsp. flavor extract
1/8 tsp. salt
Line an 8" by 8" with plastic wrap. Lightly grease, set aside.
Combine sugar, corn syrup, and water in a small pot over medium low heat. Cook, swirling occasionally, to 238 F. Move to the bowl of a stand mixer. Add gelatin. Whip on high speed until fluffy and cooled to just warmer than room temperature. Add flavoring, salt, and color. Whip until well combined. Transfer to pan. Dust with cornstarch mixture. Press into pan to level.
When cool, dust a cutting board with cornstarch mixture. Turn marshmallow onto board. Cut into squares. Toss with more cornstarch mixture.
Happy eating!